Friday, 23 May 2014

Product Video Gallery - Magento Extension
 Give your customers easy access to Hows your product, video reviews, product demonstrations, or any other videos your customers may want to see. This video can be seen along with other product gallery images and can be played inside attractive lightbox. The extension setup is very flexible, the number of videos to a single product is not restricted(limited), and you can change the description or thumbnail at any time and add many video as you want. Do not limit the buyer’s information; give him the benefits of the digital world!

The Video Gallery Extension  adds the ability to manage videos associated with products the same way you manage images. Simply copy in a url from Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Vzaar, or a locally hosted video. Product images are uploaded automatically and managed in the Magento cache. Videos show up along side uploaded images on a product view page.

Key Features
  • Easy to install and customizable for any type of Magento theme.
  • Add video with each individual product.
  • Provide a better customer experience
  • Fully compatible with Mobile and Tablet Devices!
  • Easy to customize the display. Comes integrated with a Lightbox!
  • Manage All videos by simply editing a product
  • 24/7 forum support.

Product Feedback - Magento Extension
Product Feedback extension is the most effective technical change to your web-store to motivate customers to buy more products. Customers generally want to get the reviews of the product from the customers who previously bought the product, why don’t you give them a chance to interact with each other right in your website? Getting feedback from the customers themselves using product Feedback extension is the best way to reach a beneficial trade between you and your customers.

Key Features
  • Allow customers to ask for feedback from the listed users.
  • Allow Admin to check the quality of essage content and then approve or Disapprove the message.
  • Allow customers to view all their interactions with other customers.
  • Easy to install and configure.
  • User-friendly interface.

Shipping Locations On Google Map
Shipping Location Map Extension is an awesome and extremely useful application to display google map with address markers from your order status.

This extension will display customer mapping link in Admin Panel.
We have created map-based services (Google Map) from the status of the orders of the store
Key Features                                                        
  •     Fully configurable SEO friendly maps.
  •     Well organized interface which is easy to use and is more professionally   designed.
  •     Fast and integrated results with latest version of google maps.
  •     Support for worldwide locations

Axis Bank Payment - Magento Extension
Axis Bank Payment Gateway allows you to accept all major credit and charge cards from your customers, in real time, We can be integrate it with most services like Websites, Ecommerce Solutions etc.

The entire payment process can be fully automated. Internet-based businesses can Verified by Visa/MasterCard Secure Code as additional features to enhance payment security. Online reporting functions are also available.

Axis Bank Extension would allow you to accept payments on a 24 X 7 basis from across the world, without the limitations of geographical boundaries and time-zones, from any customer who has a valid and internet-enabled MasterCard or Visa Debit card or Credit Card. Yes, its accept ALL local internet-enabled MasterCard/ Visa Cards, and most International MasterCard/ Visa Cards.

Key Features
  •     Fully automated payment process.
  •     Automatic Payment Updates.
  •     Provides secure codes to enhance payment security.
  •     Accepts all major credit and charge cards.
  •     Integrates with best services.
  •     Online reporting functions are available.

360 Degree View Of Product extension is the most effective technical change to your web-store to motivate customers to buy more products. Customers generally want to see the product from 360 degree as if they are seeing it by holding it and examine the product from all the sides, that’s where the e-commerce store lacks, so we tried to create a solution in form of the image360 extension, This extension extension is the best way to reach a beneficial trade between you and your customers.

Key Features

  • Allow customers to view images of the product in 360 degree.
  • Allow Admin to add the 360 degree images of any product.
  • Easy to install and configure.
  • User-friendly interface.

Advanced FAQ - Magento Extension
This extension adds a new FAQ item to the CMS menu in the Admin Panel. This allows you to supply your customers with answers to frequent questions.Advanced FAQ module allows you to create a separate list of question and answer, which is specific to a particular category. However, this perception has been revamped with the Advanced FAQ Module.

The FAQ module allows you to add captivating jQuery accordion script on your Magento website. On the frontend, your customers would witness an attractive and compelling FAQ section with an animation (jQuery accordion script).

Key Features
  • A single click can collapse or expand the list.
  • HTML formatting can be enabled/disabled for every entry.
  • Provide a better customer experience.
  • For HTML editing the new graphical editor can be use.
  • Allow customers to search any FAQs by entering key words on search box
  • Every entry can be enabled/disabled.
  • Easy to install and customizable for any type of Magento theme.
  • Compatible with Magento 1.3.x, Magento 1.4.x, Magento 1.5.x, Magento 1.6.x, Magento 1.7.x., Magento 1.8.x

Admin Panel Features
  • Add FAQ menu to the CMS
  • Use the WYSIWYG editor to format your questions and answers.
  • Improves user experience
  • Easy to create and manage FAQ categories on back end

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Cancel Order - Magento Extension
Many times Customer wants to cancel the order while online shopping. Cancel Order Extension gives the most flexible way to the customer to generate request of cancel the order. Admin can approve or disapprove the cancel order request.
Key Features
  • Allow customers to send request to cancel order.
  • Admin can see all requests of cancel order of customers via mail as well as in Admin Panel.
  • Admin can process the request and cancel the order.
  • Customers get notified once their order has been cancelled.
  • Flexibility to change messages from admin panel.