Thursday, 10 April 2014

Bulk Category Import/Export Category Import/Export By XJ module allows you to import and export your categories and sub categories and related category data like meta descriptions / meta title / meta keywords as well as if the category is Active or is Anchor, category description and category image and thumbnail. This module enables you to greatly simplify the categories and subcategories transfer process, making it almost entirely automatic, but at the same time it also allows any user to import and export related category data, such as meta title, meta description, meta keywords. It can also manage the category image and category description.
Key Features

  •     Easy to install and configure.
  •     Import/Export all category and related data.
  •     Provide a better customer experience.
  •     Facility to download Export categories as a csv file.
  •     Facility to import categories via file uploding method.
  •     Easy to install and customizable for any type of Magento theme.
  •     Import/Export category images and thumbnail images
  •     Import/Export category product positions
  •     Import/Export categories and set categoryIDs
  •     Comes with a User Manual / Install Instructions

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Signup By Social Media -
Xj Social Media Connect for Magento is a professional that allows your visitors to login and register with social networks like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google and Yahoo amongst others. It increases your magento user registration rate by simplifying the registration process and provides permission-based social data retrieved from the social network profiles. Social Login for magento integrates with your existing magento registration system so you and your users don’t have to start from scratch.
It will Eliminate traditional registration form and let your users sign-up in few seconds with their existing IDs such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, and more. This will increase your sign-up rate up to 150% and you can quickly build a loyal customer base!

Key Features
  • Enables Users to login with one of their popular social accounts.Our Extension supports
  • Twitter, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and Yahoo in addition to Facebook.
  • Fetches customer profile from the logged in social account and displays them including the profile image.
  • Supports maximum basic templates in Magento.
  • Provide a better customer experience.
  • Does not affect any default features of Magento store.
  • User Email Confirmation for Twitter Social Login is required.
  • Allows users to sign up / sign in using same email with their social accounts, without creating any duplicate accounts.
  • Compatible with Magento 1.3.x, Magento 1.4.x, Magento 1.5.x, Magento 1.6.x, Magento 1.7.x., Magento 1.8.x.

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Master Customer Password - requests without asking their passwords every time. It is very useful and makes all the communication go with ease.

It is completely easy to install and is equipped with effective features such as EN & NL install manual, 24/7 forum support, Compatible with Magento 1.3.x 1.4.x 1.5.x, 1.6.x and 1.7.x. It would better to get all the Magento Extension Package which gives all the extensions in a bunch. This will save on some Euros. Further, you can download our new extensions for free when we all launch them.

Key Features :
  • Easy installation requires you simply upload files without the need to change code.
  • 24/7 forum support
  • Login with a global master password.
  • Provides multi store support.
  • Magento Extension total package download.

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Quick View Pro - View by XJ enables the user to have quick look into the product without going to the product detail page. This makes the shopping process much faster and in turn proves an effective way to increase the sales. Quick View comes with an in-built zoom functionality for the product images.

The module allows you to configure the information you wish to include into popup as well as customize the overlay appearance to make it match your website design. Some extra features are also available such as “Email to a Friend” and “Go to product details page” links, Add to cart button & Attributes, Next & Previous navigation and many more.

 Key Features :
  • The zoom window and other overlay color are customizable from the admin panel.
  • Two different types of view gives the flexibility to display/hide different sections of the product page.
  • JavaScript color picker makes it easier for pick color for overlay.
  • This extension supports all kinds of products including Simple, Configurable, Grouped, Bundle and others.
  • Variable length and layout is also one of the pros of this extension

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Advanced Summary Report’s face it – if you cannot analyze your current activities using up-to-date, comprehensive reports, you cannot effectively and efficiently conduct business.

To assist your company in achieving success in today’s fast-paced, competitive global marketplace, the Advanced Reports extension  will be your reporting partner. Not only does this Magento extension allow you to obtain more sales information than ever before, but you can also use the information you cull to better draw conclusions about the status of your business.

Whether you want to run reports by countries, hours, days of the week or other criteria, the Advanced Reports Magento module can help you get a complete picture of your business situation. It’s the perfect product to help you maximize your organization’s profitability!

Showing Total Customer, Recurring Customer, Analyze Sales Description, Customize Report by Date Criteria. By the use of this report, you can easily get total sales and your best selling products details. The XJ Advanced Reports allows you to enhance the effectiveness of native Magento reports and creates a complete picture of your magento to store business position. XJ Advanced Reports is a unique tool for all your reporting needs.

Key Features

  • Easy to install and customizable for any type of Magento theme.
  • Allow install and uninstall without affecting any existing module.
  • Provide a better customer experience.
  • You can get automatically weekly report by setting cron job file.
  • Facility to get total Customer, Sales and Best Selling product.
  • 24/7 forum support.
  • Facility to Send mail of reports results.
  • Compatible with Magento 1.3.x, Magento 1.4.x, Magento 1.5.x, Magento 1.6.x, Magento 1.7.x., Magento 1.7.x., Magento 1.8.x.
  • order status
  • column view

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Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Easy/Ajax Product Listing

Xj AJAX Scroll load your products on your category pages in a nice scrolling auto load manner. When you scroll down, it will load all pages automatically. This extension helps your customer for getting straight to the point by reducing the number of clicks before reaching out to the product details. It is surely improves your e-commerce website performance. AJAX Scroll Product loads your result lists via AJAX in catalog category pages, search result pages and advanced search pages. Your visitors see the new products appearing in the same page, simply by scrolling down on their browser window. This removes the frustration of always having to get to the next page to see next products, and helps you keeping your customers on your website!

Key Features
  • Xj AJAX Scroll increases usability for your visitors, by removing an extra click.
  • Increase average time spent on your website by visitors
  • Fetches customer profile from the logged in social account and displays them including the profile image.
  • Provide a better customer experience.
  • Easy to install and customizable for any type of Magento theme.
  • Remove products from sidebar cart and shopping cart page without reloading the page
  • Add, Delete and Update of shopping cart without reload page.
  • Multi-store and multi-language store supported

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Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Testimonial With Video & Text - Xhtmljunkies

This is an extension that will help to add text and video testimonial. Customer would be able add testimonial. Guest would be also able to add testimonial. every thing would be configurable from admin.

Key Features

  • Enable / Disable video (Youtube video) testimonial. video will be show in popup window.
  • Enable/ disable guest to add testimonial.
  • Display Testimonial in sidebar with slider or normal view which is also configurable from admin.
  • Enable/ Disable testimonial approval.
  • Admin can also add testimonial.

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Xj Catalog Search - Xhtmljunkies

Easy product searching is the key component for a user-friendly shopping site, and XJ Catalog Search makes Magento search incredibly helpful and user-friendly for your customers. Catalog Search extension improves Magento default search with great ajax autocomplete feature. Store visitors will see suggested products right after they will type first several letters in search. You will have foll control over this extension look and behavior.

Key Features:

  • Instant search results:
    Magento Catalog Search Autocomplete and Suggest extensions automatically detects what your customers are typing and suggests results matching entered letters, the search suggest results will be displayed as they enter their search terms in the search box.
  • User-friendly:
    Magento search incredibly helpful and user-friendly for your customers.
  • Powered with AJAX:
    It doesn’t load your full database of products, only those that have been matched so the search doesn’t reboot the entire webpage and the search is very fast. AJAX-based pop-up search result window will also work fast indeed.
  • Show matching products:
    The most relevant matching products will be displayed to your customer, so they they can make a purchase.
  • Limit results to a specific number of items:
    Limit the number of products, categories that will be displayed. Change the product image dimensions easily Changing the product image dimensions can be done by simply entering desired dimensions on the configuration screen. 

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Tuesday, 1 April 2014

XJ Marketplace - Xhtmljunkies

Now, it takes just few minutes convert your Magento Store a perfect marketplace. Yes, with our Market place Extension. It is very possible! Beside, this Extension offers you facilities like creating seller profiles, allowing them to add products, and setup commission fee for each product sold. With the help of this extension you easily make out some additional revenue, however by delighting customers with products they look out for!

Key Features

  • Admin authentication for the seller’s account to activate.
  • Provision for admin to manage individual commission rates for each vendor exhibiting products in your web store.
  • Marketplace powers the admin to manage complete product as well as vendor details from the admin panel.
  • Admin control for product approval: Approve or disapprove newly added products by the seller.
  • Admin can manage seller information, commission and other details from the admin panel. Also, admin can make an existing registered customer to be a seller.
  • Ability for the admin to view the seller transactions and mark them paid once the payment has be processed.
  • Completely customizable section including Tier Price, Custom Options, Seller Shop Url, Profile Image, Profile Logo, Catalog PDF, etc.
  • Enable/Disable registration link for seller, manage the text of the link, Auto enabling of products can be managed from the System Configuration.

For Sellers(Merchant)

  • Ability for a vendor to register form front end.
  • Easy-to-use seller profile page to provide access to their profile from the front office of your store (Details asked are completely customizable from the admin panel)
  • Supports Simple product(with/without custom options).
  • Provision to add Tier Price and Custom Options along with other details needed for the product.
  • Domestic as well as international shipping rates for each products can be managed by sellers.
  • Seller profile page enables the customers to view the seller details along with the products for sale.
  • Sellers can view individual products’ orders and add/edit the tracking information.
  • Complete access to view the Payment history till date with provision to acknowledge the received payment.
  • Seller information block displayed in the product detail page.
  • Seller gets notified by email on the successful placement of order.

For Customers(Guest)

  • Option to buy any product from any seller
  • Instant email confirmation upon product purchase
  • Simple, safe,and secure payment transfer options
  • Option to provide their feedback and ratings to the seller if a customer purchased the product of that seller with in 30days.
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